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Siapa Sangka Musik Legenda di Indonesia Yakni Dangdut menjadi Fenomena di Luar Negeri sana, terutama Amrik,jepang dll. Sampai-sampai seorang Professor of Music dari University of Pittsburgh bernama Andrew N. Weintraub membukukannya, Beliau juga Seorang PeDangdut yang punya Group bernama Cowboys Dangdut, Luar Biasa Kelompok dangdut ini dalam Saluran Youtube telah dilihat lebih dari 100.000 kali sejak Desember 2007.
Andrew N. Weintraub adalah Pendiri sekaligus Pimpinan Group Band Tersebut.
Lalu setelah dibuat buku dengan Judul Dangdut Stories, bukunyapun dapat tanggapan Postif dan Lumayan Laku di Amrik sana,dan Buku ini di Bandrol $17.93, Lumayan mahal yah. Sobat bisa lihat tuh harganya lewat Amazon.
Kini Penghoby Dangdut tidak perlu malu-malu lagi, karena Orang bulepun tergila-gila dengan Dangdut, Masa sih milik kita sendiri tidak dihargai sedangkan orang luar Menghargainya.
Berikut beberapa Cukilan Isi Buku Dangdut Stories
Dangdut Stories
Sejarah Sosial dan Musik Musik Indonesia Paling Populer
Andrew N. Weintraub
Dangdut Stories adalah sejarah sosial dan musik dangdut dalam berbagai narasi yang lebih luas tentang kelas , gender , etnis , dan bangsa pasca – kemerdekaan Indonesia (1945 – sekarang) . bahan Dikutip dari wawancara , analisis rinci teks musik dan lagu , dan etnografi kinerja menerangi sifat gaya musik dan sentralitas dalam debat publik tentang Islam , hubungan kelas sosial , dan peran perempuan di Indonesia postkolonial .
Guess Who Music Legend Dangdut Indonesia Namely a phenomenon in the State there, especially the United States, Japan etc.. To the extent that a Professor of Music at the University of Pittsburgh named Andrew N. Weintraub write an, he also had a Group A pedangdut who called Cowboys Dangdut, Dangdut Extraordinary Group in Channel Youtube has been viewed more than 100,000 times since December 2007.
Andrew N. Weintraub is the Founder Group, Band Leader Must.
Then once made a book with the title Dangdut Stories, bukunyapun can respond Postfix and Fair Practice in America there, and this book in the Tag $ 17.93, Fair expensive yah. Buddy can see tuh price through Amazon.
Now Penghoby Dangdut not need to be shy anymore, because people bulepun infatuated with Dangdut, The period of our own does not rewarded while outsiders appreciate.
Here are some Cukilan Dangdut Book Stories
A sharp critic of modern culture in Indonesia, Andrew N. Weintraub shows how the genre of music called dangdut Indonesia evolved from urban denigrated form of popular music for an important role in the political culture of Indonesia and the commercial music industry. Dangdut - named onomatopoetically to music drum sound characteristics "dang" and "dut" - is the most popular Indonesian music, heard on the streets and houses, public parks and alleys, shops and restaurants, and all forms of public transport. Despite the tremendous popularity of dangdut in Indonesia and other parts of Asia, rarely received serious critical attention it deserves.
Dangdut Stories is a social history and dangdut music in a wider variety of narratives about class, gender, ethnicity, and national post - independence of Indonesia (1945 - present). Quoted material from interviews, a detailed analysis of music and song texts, and performance ethnography illuminate the nature of musical styles and centrality in the public debate about Islam, the relationship of social class, and the role of women in postcolonial Indonesia.
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